Archive for February, 2012

CJ Corona on Trial 2

Posted: 02/14/2012 in Uncategorized

It’s Valentine’s day today. So I’d like to show my LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to my favorite SENATOR.

Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago – you are the MODEL Senator for me. Who when elected doesn’t rely on political parties; who value more the law than alliance; who show people that you value ‘the people’ with your kind of leadership. Thank you for making being the number one person who makes sense in this trial – I miss you when you are absent – I hope you get well soon and maintain a steady bloodpressure. WE – the ordinary people – need you in that court. So the prosecutors remain on their toes and do their jobs rather than just make pa-epal; So the Defense work hard too; So the other Senators don’t have a chance to make epal too. Good Health always Senator. 

Sometimes I really wonder where our country would be if you were declared President the time you ran for that post. Perhaps very different— kakaiba.  I was too young to vote then, or to care much about politics and governance. 

I “Heart” you Sen. Miriam. You Go Girl! 

(she said something which I really wanted to say to senators and prosecutors alike – PURO Pa Epal!)

And then, like a professor – bistado ang Di talaga Nag-aral ng Mabuti, di nagprepare at maling pagcite ng mga precedent cases na di naman talaga related. Hahaha.

IKAW NA TALAGA Senator Miriam. Ikaw Na! Happy Valentine’s Day beetches!

P.S. Tita senator Miriam – LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Your Pearls!